Easy Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

Ingredients used in homemade mayonnaise

Written by: Jessica

Hi, there! I'm Jessica - wife to Paul, mom of 4 (the "bigs": AK and AM, and the "littles": JR, and PPie). I work full-time as an administrative assistant for my church, and spend the rest of my time doting on my family. I enjoy cooking from scratch, crafting, exploring our beautiful area, and keeping the house in reasonable order. We live in beautiful NE TN. I can't wait to get to know you better!
Total time: 10 minutes
80 calories

Finding mayonnaise that tastes good but doesn’t have canola or soybean oil can be really challenging. Even so called “natural” mayonnaise like Hellmann’s has soybean oil, sugar, and preservatives. This easy homemade mayonnaise recipe is delicious, mostly organic, and high quality. It can be made at home in minutes, and will last weeks in your fridge.

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Mayonnaise Ingredients

Our mayonnaise recipe has simple ingredients:

  • Pastured eggs
  • organic Apple Cider vinegar
  • pink Himalayan salt
  • organic dijon mustard
  • MCT oil (I buy mine by the gallon on Amazon – amazing price!)
  • Grapeseed Oil (any neutral oil of your choice will work)

All of these things can be purchased at any grocery store, including Aldi!

Helpful Equipment for your Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

I love love love my KitchenAid stand mixer. It makes cooking very easy, especially if your arms/hands tire easily. If you can afford one, I highly recommend it. We use ours all the time to help simplify our cooking.

The best time of year to purchase one is around Black Friday through Christmas. Check out local stores, too, for great sale prices. I bought mine at Costco when it was on sale!

Of course, if this is out of your budget right now, you can always use a nice hand-held mixer. I really love KitchenAid appliances, so I recommend sticking with that brand.

You’ll also need some Mason jars and/or squeeze bottles to store your mayo in the fridge. I like the Mason jars, but my husband prefers the squeeze bottles, so we use both. I like to use a wide mouth jarring funnel to help transfer the mayo to the jar without making a big mess.

I also recently bought a 4 Cup Pyrex measuring cup, and let me tell you, I don’t know why I didn’t purchase one sooner. There are so many times that I have needed more than 2 Cups of a liquid for a recipe. Having this 4 Cup in my kitchen arsenal has been very useful! If you don’t have one yet, get one!

Ingredients used in homemade mayonnaise
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The Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

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This is one simple recipe where I assemble all of my ingredients on the counter before I begin. This comes together so fast that I find it’s helpful to have everything ready.

I usually measure out the oil before I begin…1 1/2 Cups of MCT Oil and 1 1/2 Cups of grapeseed oil. Of course, you can use another oil if you want. I do NOT recommend using Extra Virgin Olive Oil or even sunflower oil because they are very flavorful and do not taste so good in the mayo.

Mayo all but oil
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Next up, separate your eggs. Crack them over a bowl, and separate the whites into the bowl. Place the yolks in the mixer bowl.

Add in the salt, mustard, and apple cider vinegar with the egg yolks, and turn on the mixer. I start it on low, and then turn it all the way up to 12 on my KitchenAid.

Once the ingredients are combined, it’s time to start drizzling in the oil. You want to slowly pour it in so it has time to incorporate into the other ingredients. Soon, your mayo will start to come together nicely, looking nice and creamy!

Once all the oil is all the way in, I like to let the mixer run for another minute. Everything comes together nice and creamy!

mayo mixing in oil
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The mayo is ready to use! I like to store it in a Mason jar, but we also use a squeeze bottle for some of it.

Use the homemade mayo in all your favorite recipes! It’s also great on its own. I’ll bet you’ve never had such great mayo in your life!

Let me know what you think of this homemade Mayonnaise recipe? Share it with your family, or print it and keep it for yourself!

Ingredients used in homemade mayonnaise
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Easy Homemade Mayonnaise

Are you looking to create a delicious, healthy mayonnaise with high quality ingredients? This recipe comes together quickly and produces a creamy, tasty mayonnaise even your pickiest person will love.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Condiment
Calories 80 kcal


  • 4 large Egg Yolks (pastured is best)
  • 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic)
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard (Organic)
  • 2 Tsp Salt (Pink Himalayan)
  • 1.5 Cups MCT Oil (Organic)
  • 1.5 Cups Grapeseed Oil


  • Gather your ingredients together on your work area.
  • Separate your eggs and place the yolks in the mixer bowl.
    4 large Egg Yolks
  • Add the ACV, mustard, and salt to the mixer bowl. Mix all together using the wire whip on a medium speed.
    2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard, 2 Tsp Salt
  • In a 4 Cup measuring cup, combine both the MCT and Grapeseed Oils while the other ingredients are mixing.
    1.5 Cups MCT Oil, 1.5 Cups Grapeseed Oil
  • Turn the mixer onto its highest speed. Slowly drizzle the oil into the bowl.
  • Once all the oil has been added, keep the mixer on high speed for an additional minute
  • Store in a clean mason jar, or in a squeeze bottle. Enjoy!


Use the highest quality eggs you can.  Pastured eggs are best, as the chickens have the richest diet.  Free Range would be next.  Organic when you can.  Regular white eggs will absolutely work, but won’t give the richest flavor/color.
We recommend using organic ingredients, but it’s not the end of the world if you can’t.
We make our mayo in a KitchenAid stand mixer at the highest speed (12).  You can also use a handheld mixer if you don’t have a stand mixer.  Just make sure you have a big enough bowl.
Keyword Condiment, Gluten Free
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