The best Gluten-free pancake recipe

stack of gluten free pancakes

Written by: Jessica

Hi, there! I'm Jessica - wife to Paul, mom of 4 (the "bigs": AK and AM, and the "littles": JR, and PPie). I work full-time as an administrative assistant for my church, and spend the rest of my time doting on my family. I enjoy cooking from scratch, crafting, exploring our beautiful area, and keeping the house in reasonable order. We live in beautiful NE TN. I can't wait to get to know you better!
Total time: 15 minutes
79 calories

I grew up on my daddy’s homemade pancakes. They were a Sunday morning staple in our house, and he always made them from scratch.

In fact, whenever I would sleep over a friends house and her mom made pancakes from that mix, I would think about how much better my daddy’s pancakes were. I vowed to never make pancakes from a mix.

And it isn’t even remotely difficult to make pancakes if you have a few basic staples on hand in your pantry.

When JRobbie became gluten-free, I tried just making the pancakes my regular way, substituting only GF flour for regular flour. They were OK, but they weren’t great.

Eating gluten-free can sometimes be tricky. Finding recipes with good texture and taste that are reminiscent of the “real” deal isn’t always easy.

I have since perfected our Gluten-Free pancake recipe, and everyone loves them. In fact, I don’t think you can tell a difference between them and standard pancakes!

I usually buy my gluten-free flour blends at Walmart. The brand I’ve been using for a while now is called Divided Sunset and is a reasonable replacement for standard flour. I buy my corn flour at Aldi, but you can buy Maseca anywhere – usually in the ethnic foods section. As will all recipes, the higher quality your ingredients, the better results you’ll achieve!

Serve them hot with butter, honey, maple syrup, or jelly! They are delicious!

I hope you enjoy this recipe.

Gluten Free Pancakes
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The Best Gluten Free Pancakes

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Jessica Davison
Looking for a delicious gluten-free pancake recipe that tastes better than the real thing? Look no further! These pancakes are hearty, full of flavor, and cook up nice and fluffy!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 24 pancakes
Calories 79 kcal


  • cast iron griddle


  • 1 cup gluten free flour (one to one blend)
  • 1 cup Masa corn flour
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp baking powder (aluminum free)
  • 1 tsp salt (pink himilayan)
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (pure)


  • Place your cast iron griddle on the stove top and preheat over medium heat. I like to season the pan with a little butter to help prevent sticking.
  • Add dry ingredients to a large bowl.
  • Whisk all dry ingredients together.
  • Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients.
  • Add eggs, milk, and vanilla extract to the "well".
  • Using the whisk, mix wet ingredients together, and then incorporate them into the dry ingredients.
  • Drop a ladle full of mixture onto your hot griddle. Fill your pan with as many ladles of mixture as you can, leaving enough space between them to flip the pancakes. I can usually fit 6 on my griddle.
  • When the pancakes begin to bubble on the top, it's time to flip them over. Use a solid flipper to do this. Pancakes should be easy to flip when they are ready.
  • Cook for 1-2 minutes on the opposite side.
  • Remove from griddle and serve hot!
  • Repeat until all batter is gone.
Keyword Gluten Free

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